News editors decide what to broadcast on Television and what to write in newspapers. What factors influence those decisions? Do you think we become used to bad news? Should more good news be reported?

The content published in print and broadcasted on national channels
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is compiled by the editors of
agencies. The factors which contribute to finalizing a story will be discussed in the essay,
along with
some answers to questions one might ask as a viewer – Have we normalized and become accustomed to bad
, is it important to notify the masses about positive
more frequently? With the print and television media coverage growing rapidly, the responsibility of choosing the most important content for the viewers
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is bestowed upon a learned and experienced
editor in every firm. It is important to note that,
they are trained to project an unbiased opinion and choice at every step, they too are human beings, and are influenced by varied ideologies outside their profession.
to a large degree impacts the articles published and who they favour. If one considers politics, as an example, public choice is largely formed by the reporting of statistics by certified companies.
, it is imperative to
understand that, the personal sentiment of editors and organizations comes forth in all circumstances, be it in a subtle fashion or evidently. The dramatically increasing crime rates, environmental destruction and international war tend to grab the attention of viewers extensively as compared to meritorious shows, and celebrations.
, there are major
in science and technology that go unnoticed in the midst of all the negativity. When we receive
information repeatedly, it traps us to follow up, in the hope of positive
leads to reading these columns as a habit. I do support the idea of providing good
, in categories
as the growth of economies, laurels in sports and other activities, and as mentioned above, scientific and technological advancements.
would be a step towards an increasingly positive, and healthy-minded society.
To conclude
, as we established the editors are the
filter between the public and the
, and their personal bias should always be considered in their decisions. The majority of content being negative is
due to
the habitual urge of consumers to be aware of
, more so than exciting positive
. Awareness of good events should be spread with higher frequency as it improves the knowledge and mental state of the masses.
Submitted by Writing8 on

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task response
To reach a score of 9, you could include more specific examples or case studies to support your points. This would add depth and specificity to your arguments, showcasing a broader understanding of the topic.
task response
Try to minimize minor grammatical errors and awkward phrasing. For instance, "project an unbiased opinion and choice at every step" could be rephrased for clarity.
coherence cohesion
Ensure that each paragraph flows smoothly into the next, maintaining a seamless connection. While your transitions are good, focusing on this can enhance the overall coherence.
coherence cohesion
Excellent structure with a clear introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion. This logical structure enhances readability and contributes to coherence.
task response
The essay addresses all parts of the task effectively, providing a complete response. The points made are clear and comprehensive.
coherence cohesion
Your use and explanation of factors affecting editorial decisions, and your discussion on the prevalence of bad news versus good news, were well-articulated and insightful.

Your opinion

Don’t put your opinion unless you are asked to give it.

If the question asks what you think, you MUST give your opinion to get a good score.

Don’t leave your opinion until the conclusion.

Here are examples of instructions that require you to give your opinion: you agree or disagree? you think...?...your opinion...?

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • audience ratings
  • viewership
  • readership
  • advertisement
  • sponsorship
  • urgency
  • importance
  • natural disasters
  • political events
  • public opinion
  • society
  • sensationalism
  • controversy
  • resources
  • reporters
  • equipment
  • time
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