In some countries, parents are choosing to teach children themselves at home instead of sending them to school. Do the advantages of studying at home outweigh the disadvantages?

In several countries, more parents are deciding to educate their
rather than enrolling them in traditional schools. One advantage of homeschooling is the personalized learning experience it offers,
a significant disadvantage is the lack of social interaction for the
essay believes that the disadvantages of homeschooling outweigh the advantages. One main advantage of studying at
is the ability to provide a customized education. Parents can tailor the lessons to fit their
's specific needs and interests.
For example
, if a
is particularly interested in science, the parent can spend more time on science projects and experiments.
personalized approach can make learning more enjoyable and effective for the
, a major disadvantage of
education is the limited social interaction it provides.
who are homeschooled may not have as many opportunities to interact with their peers compared to those who attend traditional schools.
For instance
, in a regular school,
can participate in group activities, sports teams, and other social events that help them develop important social skills. Lack of these collaborations can block their social development. In conclusion,
teaching offers a personalized education shaped to a
's needs, it
limits their social interaction, which is crucial for their
, despite its advantages, I believe the disadvantages of homeschooling are more significant.
Submitted by akzharkynzhamal on

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task achievement
Consider expanding on the disadvantages a bit more to provide a more comprehensive view. You could include examples or research findings that show the long-term effects of limited social interaction.
coherence cohesion
Ensure each paragraph transitions smoothly into the next. Adding transition words or phrases can enhance coherence.
coherence cohesion
The essay is well-structured with a clear introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion.
task achievement
The arguments presented are relevant and supported with specific examples, enhancing the essay's persuasiveness.

Word Count

IELTS says that you should write a minimum of 250 words in writing task 2. If you go under word count you will lose marks in task response.

A very long essay will not give you a higher band score.

Aim for between 260 to 290 words in writing task 2. This will ensure a concise essay and will be realistic in terms of time management. You have only 40 minutes to write the essay and you need around 10 minutes of planning time, so you will not be able to write a long essay in 30 minutes.

Discover more tips in The Ultimate Guide to Get a Target Band Score of 7+ »— a book that's free for 🚀 Premium users.

Topic Vocabulary:
  • Homeschooling
  • Tailored educational approaches
  • One-on-One Attention
  • Safe Learning Environment
  • Cost-Effective
  • Family Bonding
  • Limited Socialization
  • Potential Knowledge Gaps
  • Regulatory Challenges
  • Dependence on Parental Commitment
  • Limited Extracurricular Opportunities
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