Your English-speaking friend has asked for your help with a college project helshe is doing about celebrating New Year in different countries. Write a letter to your friend. In your letter say how important New Year is to people in your country describe how New Year is celebrated in your country explain what you like about New Year celebrations in your country

Dear john I hope you're doing well, I'm writing to let you know about how people in my society celebrate New Year's Eve. In Iran,
event is the most important Eve to celebrate
due to
the starting of a new year and
the coming spring. Everything will be changed even nature. The other point that makes it even more prominent is the traditional aspect of it, it's a heritage event from the past. people prepare themselves for it by buying new clothes and organizing
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decorations. that would include 7 items, each of which is a symbol,
as apples a symbol for health and refreshment. There are other cultures in which all members of families gather in one place and wait for the changing year. I like all the aspects of
cultural event, especially because I'd be able to spend my holiday with the whole of my family and enjoy communicating with them. It's like a reward for me. I hope
information will be enough for you, if you need more ask me about it. with best wishes,
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Submitted by ostorr7213 on

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coherence cohesion
Ensure accurate use of punctuation and capitalization. For example, capitalize proper nouns like 'John' and the first letter of sentences.
coherence cohesion
Enhance paragraph structure by separating different ideas more clearly. For instance, create a separate paragraph to discuss the significance of New Year.
task achievement
You provided a complete response addressing how New Year is important in your country, how it is celebrated, and what you like about it.
suitable writing tone
The tone of the letter is friendly and appropriate for writing to a friend.
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