Some people believe that educating children altogether will benefit them. Others think intelligent children should be taught separately and given special courses. Discuss those two views.

According to
some people, the
who are considered smart should be offered lessons separate from other children. It is assumed that those
have some hidden potential as they demonstrate outstanding results compared to other ones. Training them properly by special teachers and teaching them courses designed particularly to uncover their talents would be extremely beneficial for their future careers.
In addition
, those special practices might be considered quite difficult to comprehend for ordinary
, so they would have some hardships keeping up with the pace of clever ones.
, others, including me, believe that studying in groups blended with
of all intelligence levels would have more effective outcomes.
, all children regardless of their marks and academic results have the same rights to receive the same education and opportunities offered to smart ones. There might be
in each group who do not present successful results,
, possess higher IQs. It might be a problem to differentiate those
from others since they need individual approaches and special treatments to encourage them.
, it is not fair to leave them on their own to figure out how to be successful
, assembling all smart
in one group and
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them as intelligent would demotivate the others since they might tend to think that they are already behind smart
because of the factors they do not have control over.
approach would result in undesired outcomes and increase the number of
who drop out of school for not being wise enough. To summarize, I have come to the conclusion that children should be taught collectively since they have a right to be treated equally and encouraged by receiving the same level of education.
Submitted by dinareabdullayeva on

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clear comprehensive ideas
The ideas presented are clear and comprehensive for the most part, but aim for greater specificity and depth in your examples.
relevant specific examples
Ensure all arguments are fully developed with relevant specific examples to strengthen your essay.
logical structure
Improve logical transitions between ideas to enhance the flow and make it easier for the reader to follow your points.
introduction conclusion present
The essay introduction and conclusion are well-presented, but the introduction could be more engaging.
complete response
The essay provides a balanced discussion of both views, demonstrating a comprehensive response to the task.
introduction conclusion present
Good structuring of the essay with a clear introduction and conclusion.

Structure your answers in logical paragraphs

The easiest way to score well on the IELTS Task 2 writing portion is to structure your writing in a solid essay format.

A strong argument essay structure can be split up into 4 paragraphs, each containing 4 sentences (except the conclusion paragraph, which only contains 3 sentences).

Stick to this essay structure:

  • Paragraph 1 - Introduction
  • Paragraph 2 - First supporting paragraph
  • Paragraph 3 - Second supporting paragraph
  • Paragraph 4 - Conclusion

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