Some people say that it is possible to tell a lot about a person's character and culture from their choice of clothes. Do you agree or disagree?

believe that it is easier to judge
where they are from by their wearings.
, most
were affected by societies in their region.
, there is
an environmental factor that makes them adjust their wardrobes. Given these points, I firmly agree with the statement.
are usually affected by their societies’ trends, especially outfit trends with ease.
, they pick what they wear based on the trends in their communities.
, some argue whether the trend is the main factor as most countries have an identical social culture.
, most of them have an actress who sets up a unique trend that differentiates them from each other.
For Example
, the Korean style is currently trending in the Asia continent
Star Boy is happening in the Europe region. At the same time, Korean culture usually utilizes oversized clothing but Europeans wear fit clothes
due to
their celebrities’ influence. In a word, society has the biggest impact on the clothing trend that most individuals follow. Other than society, climate plays a big role in what
wear as they have to adjust their outfits depending on the climate.
For instance
, if a country's average temperature is cold, most citizens will dress in thick clothes.
, environmental needs
have a key role in the outfit selections. Individual who live in the woods that most of their time hunting, they usually wear hunting clothes.
, research shows that 70% of
's outfits depend on their location. As can be seen,
usually adjust their outfits
due to
the environmental requirement.
pick their dresses based on what their surrounding societies wear.
, the environment
makes them adapt their attires. All things considered, I strongly admit that
can judge cultural and personal backgrounds depending on their clothing.
Submitted by arsyiiimuhammad061 on

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Try to provide more detailed and varied examples to support your main points. This will make your argument stronger and more convincing.
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Ensure that each paragraph focuses on a single idea or aspect of the topic. This will help improve the clarity and logical flow of your essay.
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coherence cohesion
Your essay has a clear structure with an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion, which helps to organize your ideas effectively.
task achievement
You have provided a complete response to the task, addressing both societal and environmental factors that influence clothing choices.
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Your main points are clearly communicated, and the essay maintains a consistent position throughout.
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