As a country develops, people tend to buy more cars. Do the advantages for the individual outweigh the disadvantages for the environment? Write at least 250 words.

As a nation grows, more individuals tend to buy motor cars.
is beneficial for those who purchase
due to
the saved travel time and increased convenience, I believe that the drawbacks in terms of environmental
and resource depletion are far greater. The main advantage of individuals purchasing
is their convenience.
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by public transport can be frustrating
due to
the crowds
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owning a car is safer and more reliable.
For instance
, Japan, a hub for motor
, has a high rate of car ownership.
contributes to its development, as people save travel time, arrive at work on time, and are able to focus more on their jobs.
, I believe that
convenience can
lead to increased traffic congestion.
On the other hand
, the disadvantage is that more cars significantly pollute the environment. The increasing number of motor
leads to both air and noise
For example
, in developing countries, road infrastructure is often not advanced enough to handle the growing number of
, resulting in severe air and noise
In addition
, the depletion of resources
as petrol and diesel is a serious problem for both the nation and the environment. I’m of the opinion that the growing number of cars poses too many disadvantages for the environment. In conclusion,
owning a car might be convenient and time-saving for individuals, the resulting environmental
and resource depletion are serious issues that must be considered first. For these reasons, the negatives far outweigh the positives.
Submitted by maliksheetal32 on

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