In some countries, there is an increase in the number of parents who educate their children at home. Do you think this is a positive or negative development?

These days, in several countries parents teach their children at
learning at
provides a reliable learning environment,
, in my opinion, offspring have to go to
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educational organizations to upgrade their quality of education and social skills. Parents can analyze the favourite subject of their offspring, so
they will tailor the curriculum to suit the child's learning pace and interest.
For instance
, if a child loves doing math, he or she can add
subject to his schedule.
, offspring will be free from bullying and pressure from their peers and friends because of appearance or disability.
, homeschooling can provide a safe learning environment, because of the child's social issues.
On the other hand
, there are positive sites for studying offline.
Change preposition
By studying
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at school, offspring can improve their social development,
as well as
real-world skills that can help in the future.
, homeschoolers do not have flexibility in scheduling like other students.
For example
, educational institutions can provide students with extracurricular activities like events or parties,
children at
do not have any friends and events, because of
problem homeschoolers have troubles in society. In conclusion, everyone can be educated in the way which they want to. There is a trend of
education and it has its own benefits,
, in my point of view, the drawbacks outweigh their advantages. Because of
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, some
-educated adults suffer a lot because of being less confident and lack of knowledge that they need in the future.
Submitted by isrofildavrushov on

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introduction conclusion
The essay would benefit from a clearer introduction. While it states the intent to discuss both perspectives, a brief outline of what the essay will cover would improve clarity.
logical structure
Some sentences could be more structured for clarity. For example, the phrase "Nevertheless, homeschooling can provide a safe learning environment, because of the child's social issues" is somewhat confusing and could be clarified.
relevant specific examples
Including more specific examples or data to support your points would strengthen your argument. For example, mentioning specific studies or statistics about home-schooling and social skills could add weight to your discussion.
complete response
The essay adequately addresses the prompt by discussing both advantages and disadvantages of home-schooling.
clear comprehensive ideas
The main points are clear, and each paragraph focuses on a distinct idea, which helps in maintaining overall coherence.
introduction conclusion
The conclusion effectively summarizes the writer's stance on the issue, reinforcing the argument made throughout the essay.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • tailor the curriculum
  • personalized educational experience
  • safe learning environment
  • bullying
  • peer pressure
  • social issues
  • extracurricular activities
  • social interaction
  • social development
  • real-world skills
  • academic progress
  • flexibility in scheduling
  • unique circumstances
  • special needs
  • standardized assessments
  • accountability measures
  • quality of education
  • frequent travel
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