You are going on a short course to a training college abroad. It is a college that you have not been to before. Write a letter to the accommodation officer. In your letter, give details of your course and your arrival/departure date explain your accommodation needs ask for information about getting to and from the college.

Dear Sir, I am writing to provide details regarding the upcoming short
that I will be attending at your training college. The
I have enrolled in focuses on safety instructions in construction and is scheduled to commence on 27th March, with a closing date of 21st May. The
will take place at Oxford University, which I am looking forward to visiting for the first time. I will be arriving in London on 25th March and have already made arrangements for a single room at a hotel located within walking distance of the city centre. In preparation for my stay, I would like to request some additional amenities
as a laptop, coffee machine, and printer. I kindly enquire for information on the associated costs for renting these items during my
, as I will be residing in the
Fix the agreement mistake
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during my time in Oxford, I would greatly appreciate your assistance in providing details about the local transport system. Specifically, I am interested in understanding the transportation options available to travel between the college and the hotel conveniently. Any guidance on the most convenient and efficient means of transportation would be invaluable to me. I thank you in advance for addressing my accommodation needs and providing insight into the transportation options. Your assistance in ensuring a smooth experience during my
is highly appreciated. Yours faithfully, Arthur
Submitted by omondavlat91 on

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task achievement
While the letter is well-structured, including the exact address of your accommodation could provide more clarity.
suitable writing tone
To make the letter even more engaging, you might consider incorporating a brief statement about how excited you are about this opportunity.
logical structure
The letter is logically structured and covers all the necessary points, which ensures clarity.
single idea per paragraph
Each paragraph is succinct and focuses on a single idea, making the letter easy to follow.
greeting and closing
The greeting and closing are appropriate and provide a respectful tone.
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