IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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I am writing to provide details regarding the upcoming short course that I will be attending at your training college. The course I have enrolled in focuses on safety instructions in construction and is scheduled to comm
I am Nick, an Australian citizen, writing this letter to inform you about the global class that I am registered for a 30-day period, held in Singapore.
I am Rony Roy, from India. I am writing this letter to get information about the accommodation facility in your college campus. This is my first time going out of the country alone . I am very excited to join in your tr
I am writing in connection with a short course at White College in the UK. I have not been to the UK before. I am a painting student and my course is about new methods in watercolour painting. I will arrive at 6 P.M on 1
My full name is Turabov Shahzod. I am writing this letter. I am going on a short course to a training college abroad. This college's name is WESTMINSTER.
This letter finds you well. My full name is Jack Jhonson. The reason why I am writing is that I am going on a short course to a training college abroad. I have been learning history for two years and I want to go abroad
I am writing this letter to inform you that I am coming for six month course in the University of New Zealand in coming fall .Therefore , I would like to request for a seperate room in the hostel for a short period.
I would like to write a concern of worrying prior the training course in your country(NZ)because i do not have any place to live. My country agent told me that he forgot to organise the flat though i have to organise by
I am Jai Verma from India , I have planned to visit Australia for my management course at the prestige Cambridge College. I am writing this letter to request you to find accommodation during my stay .
I am writing this email regarding my upcoming training course at your college in Sydney, Australia. I will be arrive there before the course starts to attend the audio engineering course which will between the 10th of Oc
I am writing to you for declaring my satisfaction with participating in your college and I want to know about the accommodation that you gave to your students.
I am just enrolled in the computer programming course. The course is comprised of empirical work as well as theoretical subjects. My course will start on September 21, so if it is possible, I will check in on September 2
I, Agna James, an Indian citizen, writing this letter to inform you about the global training course that I enrolled in for a period of 45 days, held in Malaysia
Hope this letter finds you in radiant health and the best of spirits. By the way, my name is Joziba Maxmasoliyeva. I am from Uzbekistan. I am planning to attend a short course at a training college abroad . For this re
My name is Vỹ. Currently, My major is Computer Science and I'm a second-year student. I'm writing to ask you some questions regarding the short course to training college abroad.
My name is Chalk Bin and I am one of the students attending the training course at your college this summer. I am writing to acquire some information regarding accommodation at your college and the airport pick-up issue.
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