Some people think that schools should invest in hiring good teachers. Some others think that they should purchase better equipment for students. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

The question of whether institutions should invest money in hiring quality
or improve the infrastructure by buying better
and equipment for
has been a subject of public debate. In my view, I believe that the former statement holds greater importance. In
essay, I will elaborate on both views. On one hand, proponents believe that buying better products and science experiment
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necessary for
. With access to these products,
may be able to comprehend and improve their practical skills,
as projects related to science subjects.
, using supercomputers can not only help enhance programming knowledge but
learn a variety of other subjects that are crucial to their academic studies. To cite an example,
according to
various research, subjects related to equipment combined with study topics
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the fastest pace of learning.
, these products and
may be effective for learners but not as necessary.
On the other hand
, investing in the field of acquiring
is mandatory for schools, colleges, and universities.
is because no institution can run without the guidance of
who possess an abundance of knowledge. Since only
know the
' capabilities and weaknesses, investing in quality
is crucial.
For instance
according to
research around the globe, the profession that benefits the country's economy the most is that of a teacher, which holds an important place in the eyes of first-world leaders.
As a result
, many nations have jumped from being in a miserable state to uplifting their living standards.
To conclude
some believe that money should be spent on education
and equipment, hiring
who can change the future of learners considerably must be the top priority at all times. I believe that educational institutions should strive to find
who know the
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strengths and weaknesses.
Submitted by abdulahad08600 on

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task achievement
Your essay presents a balanced view of both sides of the argument and offers a clear opinion. However, it could benefit from more detailed examples and specific evidence to support your main points. Try incorporating statistics, studies, or real-life examples to provide stronger support for your arguments.
coherence cohesion
While your essay follows a logical structure, the transitions between some sentences and paragraphs could be smoother. This would improve the overall flow of your ideas. Consider using linking words and phrases more effectively to guide the reader through your argument.
coherence cohesion
Some of the terms and expressions used are slightly repetitive. Incorporating a wider range of vocabulary and more varied sentence structures would enhance the clarity and richness of your writing.
introduction conclusion present
Your introduction clearly states the topic and your opinion, which helps set the stage for your essay. This is a strong start.
introduction conclusion present
The conclusion effectively summarizes your argument and reiterates your opinion, providing a clear and concise end to your essay.
logical structure
The essay maintains a fair balance between both viewpoints, showing a thoughtful consideration of each side of the argument.
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