You have been invited to attend an admissions interview for a prestigious college. Unfortunately, you cannot come at the proposed time due to a previous appointment. Write a letter to the admissions tutor and explain your position. In your letter: Introduce yourself and state your interest in the program Apologize and offer to come at a different time Ask how long the interview will be and if you will have to take an exam

Dear Sir or Madam, I am writing
letter to inform you that, an appointment that you have given me for an admission
can not be suitable
due to
another appointment at the same time. I am Ankit Patel, have completed a Master of Economy and now want to pursue Phd. in
Replace the word
show examples
to get more knowledge which can lead both my career and prestige up to the maximum level in society. I have been reading a lot of books on economics and have
Add an article
a deeper
show examples
knowledge of it. I apologize for not coming for an
at the mentioned date and time, but I really want to attend
meeting and for that please I request you to make an arrangement for the
on any day next week. I request you to inform me, how long the
can be and if any examination, so I can prepare before an
. Thank you for the time to read
letter and look forward to hearing from you. Yours Faithfully, Ankit
Submitted by ap064911 on

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Coherence & Cohesion
Ensure that you clearly separate different ideas into paragraphs to enhance readability.
Coherence & Cohesion
Review your writing to correct any minor grammatical errors, such as misplaced commas or missing articles.
Task Achievement
Your letter clearly explains your situation and offers a clear alternative.
Task Achievement
The tone of your letter is polite and appropriate for the context.
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