More and more citizens relying on private cars as their major means of transportation. Describe some of the problem overreliances on cars can cause, and suggest at least one possible solution.

An increasing number of individuals are relying on private vehicles as their primary mode of
. The main problem
causes is the negative impact on the environment, and the most viable solution is improving public transport systems. One of the main issues associated with the overuse of automobiles is their adverse effect on the environment. Cars are major contributors to air pollution, greenhouse gas emissions, and climate change. The burning of fossil fuels in vehicles releases harmful pollutants into the air, leading to poor air quality and respiratory problems for people living in urban areas.
reliance on cars
exacerbates traffic congestion, leading to increased travel times, fuel consumption, and carbon emissions.
For example
, a study by the Union of Concerned Scientists found that the average US passenger vehicle emits about 4.6 metric tons of CO₂ annually, significantly contributing to climate change. To tackle
problem, governments should invest in and promote sustainable
as public transit, cycling infrastructure, and walking paths. By providing reliable and affordable alternatives to driving, individuals can be encouraged to reduce their car usage and embrace more environmentally friendly modes of
For instance
, cities like Copenhagen have implemented extensive cycling networks and efficient public transit systems.
As a result
, a large percentage of residents use bicycles or public transport for daily commutes, reducing car dependency and greenhouse gas emissions. In conclusion, climate change, global warming, and natural disasters can result from humans relying on private transport as their primary mode of
can be addressed by making feasible changes in
Submitted by akzharkynzhamal on

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coherence cohesion
Overall, the essay is well-organized and addresses the task effectively. However, the conclusion could be expanded to summarize the main points more clearly and reinforce the importance of the solution proposed.
task achievement
Consider including more specific examples or statistics to further support your points and make your arguments more persuasive.
coherence cohesion
The essay has a clear structure with an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion, making it easy to follow.
task achievement
The use of a real-world example, such as the study by the Union of Concerned Scientists and the case of Copenhagen, enhances the credibility of the arguments.
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