Solving environmental problems should be the responsibility of an international organization rather than each national government. Do you agree or disagree?

There is considerable debate about whether the responsibility for addressing environmental dilemmas should fall primarily on international organizations or national
. I firmly believe that these problems should be addressed on a global scale, with international organizations taking the lead.
, environmental problems transcend national
and must be solved by an international organization. Environmental issues, including climate change and deforestation, are not confined to national
and require a coordinated global response.
, establishing a department belonging to the United Nations is essential to formulate relevant regulations and monitor the progress of environmental projects.
For example
department can implement uniform policies that all member countries must follow, ensuring a cohesive and effective approach to improving global environmental conditions.
, an organization can ensure that all countries adhere to global standards and increase the efficiency of campaigns.
, improving the natural habitat globally requires the collaboration of many nations. The department could persuade developed states to pool financial and technical resources for executing large-scale projects. These plans could be completed thanks to complementary scientific and technical guidance,
as the usage of green power sources rather than burning fossil fuels. Operating atomic power in developing nations could fill the electricity shortage to serve their industrial activities. These efforts
prevent illegal logging and assist sustainable logging practices in undeveloped countries.
, national
play an important role in the efficiency of these plans.
For instance
, local
can enact relevant laws and remove corruption issues and ambiguous legal procedures to facilitate the smooth implementation of environmental schemes in their region.
, local councils may be more effective in addressing degradable habitats within their own
, as they can tailor solutions to their specific contexts and needs. They can enforce compliance more effectively within their jurisdictions. National
have a better understanding of their local environments, allowing them to implement global and local schemes with more practical and context-specific solutions.
To conclude
, despite national
having a significant role in tailoring and enforcing environmental policies within their own
, the overarching responsibility for solving global environmental problems should rest with an international organization.
approach ensures a unified and coordinated response to issues that transcend national boundaries,
enabling the effective execution of large-scale environmental initiatives.
Submitted by lenam2k1 on

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To achieve a band 9, it's essential to incorporate a more varied and sophisticated range of vocabulary and sentence structures. This can enhance the overall quality of the essay.
Including more diverse examples, especially from various countries or specific international initiatives, would strengthen your points and make your argument more compelling.
The essay has a clear and logical structure, with a strong introduction and conclusion that effectively frame the main arguments.
The main points are well supported with reasonable examples and detailed explanations, ensuring the reader understands the argument presented.
task response
The essay addresses the task comprehensively, providing a balanced discussion of both international organizations and national governments' roles in solving environmental problems.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • environmental degradation
  • nation's jurisdiction
  • international collaboration
  • global response
  • coordinated effort
  • enforcing environmental laws
  • sharing best practices
  • innovations and technologies
  • critical resources and knowledge
  • international agreements
  • equitable distribution
  • accountability
  • oversight
  • local context
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