Some people think that hosting international sports events is good for the country, while some people think it is bad. Discuss both views and state your opinion.

International sporting
have become increasingly common in recent decades.
some people reckon that
countries might have to deal with a sudden surge in crime or involve themselves in an exhausting preparation process, more importantly, I believe they can take the opportunity to boost tourism.
To begin
as these are a great opportunity for countries to gain global exposure, there are present significant challenges.
, records have shown that there is a twofold increase in crimes
as prostitution and petty theft when a country organises an event
as the World Cup or the Olympics.
, the process of preparing for these
is often demanding. For the World Cup 2014, it took Brazil five years to revitalise its cities and construct various facilities including stadiums and indoor athletics arenas to meet the world-class standard set by FIFA.
On the other hand
, I am of the opinion that international sporting games can potentially stimulate the tourism sector. By being the
, a country is able to attract a large array of athletes and their supporters from all around the world.
sudden increase in visitors will likely proliferate the sales of products and services
as accommodation and transportation within the period of the
. In the longer term, it is a great chance for the
nations to promote their culture on a global stage.
For example
, since the pictures of beautifully garnished Vietnamese dishes made headlines during the SEA Games in 2003, Vietnam has been branded as the “Kitchen of the World” and a must-visit destination for global food lovers.
obviously does wonders for the Vietnamese economy. In conclusion,
come at the expense of a few immediate problems, the benefits of boosted gross sales and cultural promotion are of greater significance. In my opinion,
nations can
consider the option of sharing an event with a neighbouring country to spread the risk and still enjoy the lucrative long-term benefits.
Submitted by [email protected] on

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Use transition words and phrases more effectively to improve the logical flow between paragraphs and ideas. This will help make the essay smoother and easier to follow.
coherence cohesion
The essay has a clear introduction and conclusion, which frames the discussion well.
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You have provided relevant and specific examples to support your points, such as the World Cup in Brazil and the SEA Games in Vietnam.
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