The graph below shows the consumption of fish and some different kinds of meat in a European country between 1979 and 2004. Summarise the infomation by selecting and reporting the main features, and make compasions where relevant. Wirte at least 150 words.

The graph below shows the consumption of fish and some different kinds of meat in a European country between 1979 and 2004.

Summarise the infomation by selecting and reporting the main features, and make compasions where relevant. Wirte at least 150 words.
The line graph illustrates how much fish, lamb, beef and
were consumed in a European country in a 25-year period. The consumption of beef took the leading position in terms of meat sales in 1979, which had a considerably downward trend in the next 25 years, dropping from approximately 220 to 100
per person per week.
is a significant fall of about 80
in lamb consumption; in 2004, it was sold only 70
, ranking third.
, a slight drop was seen between 1979 and 2004 in terms of fish sales, maintaining the
. The citizen bought no more than 150
Change preposition
of chicken
show examples
at the beginning of the period of 25 years, a little bit less than that of
, it kept rising, overtaking
around 1980 with 150
and surpassing beef, which became the top of the four kinds of meat, reaching 250
on average.
Submitted by yihualuo525 on

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