Air traffic is increasingly leading to more noise pollution and airport construction. One reason for this is the growth in low-cost passenger flight, often to hold holiday destination. Some people say that government should try to reduce air traffic by taxing it more heavily. Do you agree or disagree?

Some people believe that the government should increase
taxes in order to decrease
as well as
noise pollution. In my opinion, implementing taxation is not the only way to solve
problem because the most important thing is enhancing people's awareness and promoting the consciousness of protecting the environment.
, taxing neither can reduce pollution or
That is
to say, those who intend to travel during holidays can not be stopped by charging a large number of tax. Take one example, there is nothing that can hinder a person who really wants to enjoy the vacation. The root of
problem has nothing to do with money but intentions. If the government take a really heavy policy regarding the tax, those who are rich would still ignore it unless they have enough awareness of protecting the earth.
, if some related departments are able to provide special workshops on noise pollution or
traffic, it will be useful in diminishing
kind of issue.
, the public deserves a happy life and holiday. To make it clear, the purpose of individuals going on a trip is to relax. Applying
policy may lead to a higher level of pressure on citizens because they have to earn more money on a particular flight.
For instance
, a hard-working employee may feel less happy living in the country
due to
the high cost of booking a trip. In order to prevent
, I believe some associations may organize certain social events
as forums, speeches and propaganda that perhaps enhance the workers' knowledge of some drawbacks of taking cheaper passenger flights.
To sum up
, I am convinced that if the country could share more efficient knowledge on
contamination and provide sufficient activities
as webinars, seminars and sessions on inexpensive flights would contribute to the environment, rather than simply increase the tax.
Submitted by bubblehead1213 on

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coherence cohesion
Work on the logical structure of the essay. The flow of ideas should be more seamless, and each paragraph should directly connect to the next, maintaining a clear line of argumentation.
task achievement
Ensure that all your main points are well-supported with specific examples. This will strengthen your argument and make it more persuasive.
task achievement
Expand and elaborate on your ideas more comprehensively. Some points are too briefly mentioned and need more development to fully convey your argument.
coherence cohesion
Use a variety of cohesive devices to link your ideas, sentences, and paragraphs together. This will improve the overall clarity and flow of your writing.
coherence cohesion
You have a clear introduction and conclusion that frame your argument effectively. This helps guide the reader through your essay.
task achievement
You address the task effectively by clearly taking a stance on the issue and providing several points to support your argument.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • noise pollution
  • airport construction
  • low-cost passenger flight
  • holiday destination
  • taxing
  • revenue
  • sustainable transportation
  • mitigation measures
  • unaffordable
  • tourism revenue
  • innovation
  • quieter
  • environmentally friendly
  • government intervention
  • public opposition
  • freedom and convenience
  • travel
  • greenhouse gas emissions
  • environmental degradation
  • airport expansions
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