Some people think that governments should spend money on the search for life on other planets, while others believe that is a waste of public money because there are still many problems on Earth. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

With the proliferation of discussions about human sustainability, governments are considering to search another place to colonize another planet.
, several people assume
that is
a waste of money because there are still many problems in the world to solve, and it needs more spending money. There are arguments on both sides of
very topical debate, and I will discuss them now. On the one hand, some scientists assume that in the next few years, living on the Earth is not worth it. The increasing pollution and global warming will create significant challenges for the globe.
For instance
, the expansion of factories that are not environmentally friendly and massive greenhouse construction significantly impacted the Earth's atmosphere.
As a result
, some states support the research of sources of life for humans on the outside world.
On the other hand
, some countries believe it is better to tackle any global problems rather than move to another planet.
, many countries enforce the rules back to nature in every activity,
as transportation and accommodation, which must be based on electrical energy, applying rooftop agriculture like in Japan, and enforcing tight regulations for manufacturers to pay attention to nature. As a sequence, some regimes allocated most of the funds for green policy.
To conclude
, solving the world's problems is more effective and efficient than thinking of relocating people to other planets. The motivation behind seeking life on other planets stems from the environmental exploitation occurring on Earth. These funds should be utilized to explore innovative ways and solutions to preserve our planet rather than seeking an alternative.
Submitted by maqbul.mohammad.m on

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Avoid some repetitive phrases, like 'several people assume' and 'some states support'—varying your word choice can make your essay more engaging.
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