You paid a refundable deposit when you rented an apartment. You left the apartment in good condition but the Landlord won't return your deposit. Write a letter to the landlord. In your letter explain why you are writing ask for the return of your deposit inform the landlord of possible legal action

Dear Manthan, I am writing
letter to request you to return the deposit that I paid during the rent agreement. It has been two months already since I left your house, but you have not given any reply to return my deposit. I created a one-year rental contract to live at your apartment and at that time I paid a refundable deposit that would be paid back to me at the time of contract termination.
, I left the home without any damages to the property or as it was. I have been waiting to receive my money back for the
month and you are not ready to listen to any of my requests. Because you are not giving my deposited amount back, I have to take legal action against you which can waste
Change preposition
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your time and prestige . Looking forward to hearing from you with a positive answer. Regards, Ankit
Submitted by ap064911 on

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task achievement
The letter adequately covers all key points: explaining the purpose of writing, asking for the return of the deposit, and mentioning possible legal action. For a higher score, provide more specific details regarding the rental agreement and property condition.
coherence cohesion
Consider using paragraphs to separate different ideas or sections to improve readability. For example, start a new paragraph when asking for the return of your deposit and when mentioning legal action.
task achievement
The tone of the letter is appropriate and polite yet firm, which is suitable for addressing the issue with the landlord.
coherence cohesion
There is a clear and logical structure to the letter; introduction, body, and closing are all present and appropriately ordered.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • refundable deposit
  • rental agreement
  • amicably
  • tenancy
  • diligently maintained
  • legal proceedings
  • inspect
  • wear and tear
  • withhold
  • non-compliance
  • promptly
  • documented evidence
  • liability
  • small claims court
  • tenants' rights
  • non-negotiable
  • deadline
  • escalation
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