Some people think it is necessary to use animals for testing medicines intended for human use. Others, however, it is cruel to do that. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

These days, some people believe that chemical formulas that are invented to cure human beings should be tested first on
, others say that it is ruthless
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of humans and
activities should be ceased. I agree with the latter part and
essay will shed light on its valid points in
discussion. On the one hand, it has been considered by several people who are trying newly innovative medicines should be used first on
like rats and frogs. To illustrate, it helps to prevent humans from devastating consequences.
For instance
in China, recently scientists produced a vaccine for the HPV virus to get protection from some of its variances.
, their results were contradictory and it killed several people there, but that could have been prevented if animal testing had been done for that.
On the other hand
, it is indeed true that every living thing has the right to live its own life.
In other words
, putting wildlife at the lower rank by using them for our own advantage is against the universal law. For me, using those harmful substances on
, which are meant to be used on us can cause tons of side-effects to those innocent souls, and it can be a brutal sin as well.
For example
, a recent article on 'Google Scholar shows that in Japan several rats were injected with newly launched medicine of cancer to observe its response, and those chemical substances led them to permanent infertility disorder, which is heartbreaking.
To conclude
according to
me, every soul on
planet has equal value and right to live, and that should not be interrupted by anybody. Humans should not deceive
for their innocence.
Submitted by pateldhruvi038 on

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task achievement
To improve task response, ensure you fully develop each argument. The argument against animal testing could include more points on alternative methods or ethical considerations.
coherence cohesion
For coherence and cohesion, using more linking words and sentences to smoothly transition between points can help. Ensure that each paragraph flows logically into the next, maintaining a consistent structure throughout.
introduction conclusion present
The essay provides a clear introduction and conclusion, effectively framing the discussion.
relevant specific examples
Relevant and specific examples are given to support both arguments, making the points more convincing.
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