Many manufactured food and drink products contain high level of sugars which causes many health problems. Sugary products should be made more expensive to encourage people to consume less sugar. Do you agree of disagree? Write at least 250 words.

Nowadays the
and drink being consumed contain too much sugar which leads to multiple health issues. Some
argue that we should increase the price of sugary
to help
eat less sugar. I agree to some extent with the statement. Increasing the price of sugary
from buying them.
is because of the current climate where
prefer to spend money on products that are cost-effective and cost-saving.
For instance
, in the UK,
due to
current austerity measures,
are increasingly choosing to spend money on
that are cheaper rather than expensive. If sugary products are made more expensive,
will be naturally discouraged from buying them.
, introducing high prices for sugary goods will
reduce the multiple health problems associated with their consumption.
On the other hand
, some
argue that they will not be stopped from buying unhealthy snacks
due to
their freedom and free will.
is because
would continue to buy the
even though they have been made expensive. To illustrate
, Scandinavian countries
as Norway, Sweden, Iceland and Denmark abandoned policies to increase the prices of sugary products
due to
lack of acceptance from their citizens.
, they argued that they would continue to buy unhealthy
and beverages because their freedom to choose is paramount.
To conclude
, I believe that
and beverages that contain high levels of sugar should be increased, but
’s freedom and choices should be taken into consideration.
Submitted by mraha409 on

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Your essay provides a clear response to the task prompt and maintains focus throughout. However, ensure that all main points are fully supported with detailed examples or explanations.
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While your essay follows a logical structure and is easy to follow, improving the linking between ideas in some paragraphs will enhance coherence. Using a wider variety of cohesive devices will add depth to your writing.
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Consider expanding on counterarguments and balancing them with your own views more precisely to provide a fuller response to the prompt.
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You have provided a well-structured essay with clear introduction and conclusion paragraphs, which makes it easier to understand your argument.
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Your use of real-world examples, such as the example from Scandinavian countries, adds credibility to your argument and engages the reader.
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