In many countries, people do not recycle waste materials, such as bottles and newspapers. What are the reasons for this? What could be done to solve this problem

There is no denying the fact that recycling materials have a massive impact on reducing global warming. Nowadays, in several countries,
tend to not recycle waste.
essay will discuss the reasons for
phenomenon and how it could be alleviated.
To begin
with, there are many causes for
, some types of recycling require equipment which is sometimes unaffordable.
In other words
, there are numerous developing countries that can not afford to have recycling factories because of economic problems.
In addition
, there is a lack of awareness about how crucial is to reuse newspapers and bottles whether is for society or for the environment.
For example
, many teachers and parents are not aware the children about the importance of recycling
they are aware of that. In terms of solutions, most recycling starts from home and does not require any devices
as well as
it could be often done by anyone even though he is a child. It is
possible to say that when elderly
finish reading newspapers they may do some activities with their children and do some collages and other types of art by the newspapers .
, having awareness campaigning could effectively impact the young generations to understand how reusing waste goods is critical.
For instance
, if the influencers organize some campaigns related to how small recycling steps can affect positively, young
probably will start to do it since they get affected by those influencers. In conclusion, there are many causes
as high-cost equipment and lack of awareness that make
avoid recycling.
, it is
true that
could be solved by several methods
as starting recycling from home and organizing some campaigns to knowledge
about the importance of recycling.
Submitted by marim.almualim on

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Relevant Examples
The essay would benefit from more specific and varied examples to illustrate points. Using examples from real-life situations or credible sources could enhance the arguments presented.
Advanced Vocabulary
To achieve a higher score, try integrating more advanced vocabulary and sentence structures. This will help convey ideas more precisely and make the essay more engaging to read.
Cohesion Improvements
Connecting sentences and paragraphs more smoothly can improve the overall flow and coherence of the essay. Phrases such as 'Furthermore,' 'Moreover,' and 'On the other hand,' can be useful.
The introduction is clear and sets the stage for the essay's discussion effectively.
The conclusion effectively summarizes the main points and provides a sense of closure.
Task Response
The essay addresses both parts of the task—reasons why people do not recycle, and potential solutions. This shows a good understanding of the task requirements.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • apathy
  • environmental impact
  • passive attitude
  • recycling infrastructure
  • sustainability
  • accessible
  • disposing
  • awareness
  • participate
  • incentivizing
  • motivate
  • tangible
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