Some people say that the only reason for learning a foreign language is in order to travel to or work in a foreign country. Others say that these are not the only reasons why someone should learn a foreign language. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion

In the new era, learning foreign languages is fundamental for each individual.
, there is an argument between the two views. Some people argue that learning another
is only for learners who aim to travel or work overseas,
others think that these are not the only purposes for someone who wants to learn a new
except their mother tongue. From my perspective, I believe that each person has a free choice in choosing a different
. On the one hand, tourists who travel to or work in a foreign nation need to speak fluently the common
which is used in
area is important. If customers do not know the
of the place they visit, they will encounter difficulties like purchasing goods and interacting with locals. In a survey of Vietnam tourism articles, 60% of tourists who come to Hanoi find it hard to talk with Vietnamese people whenever they buy souvenirs like Non-La and Mu Coi because they do not know Vietnamese.
In addition
, overseas students
their majors almost in the
of the country where they go.
For example
my friend could not speak French, he still chose France to
, he met an obstacle when learning majors that led to low academic performance in the first semester.
On the other hand
, learning a new
abroad can significantly enhance the
experience by enabling deeper immersion into the local culture.
immersion allows individuals to form more meaningful relationships with locals and gain a better understanding of cultural nuances.
, mastering the
of the host country can open up more opportunities for professional and academic growth, making the stay more enriching and beneficial.
For instance
, a software engineer who learns Japanese
working in Japan might find opportunities to collaborate on cutting-edge technology projects with local companies.
could lead to career advancements and a stronger professional network.
, understanding the
can help in navigating workplace dynamics and contributing more effectively to team projects. In conclusion,
the main purpose of learning a second
is for people going overseas, I still think that learners who are good at another
have many opportunities to
and work.
Submitted by huy3072002 on

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task achievement
While the essay addresses both views of the debate effectively, it could be more balanced. More detailed examples and counterarguments on why learning a language is important for reasons other than travel or work would strengthen the essay.
coherence cohesion
The logical flow is decent, but some points could be more clearly organized. Ensuring that each paragraph transitions smoothly to the next would improve coherence.
coherence cohesion
The introduction and conclusion are well-structured and provide a clear stance on the topic.
task achievement
The essay provides clear and relevant points supported by examples, especially when discussing the challenges faced by tourists and overseas students.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • multilingual
  • linguistic proficiency
  • globalized world
  • cross-cultural communication
  • immersive experience
  • adaptability
  • cultural exchange
  • interpersonal skills
  • employment prospects
  • empathy
  • intellectual development
  • overcome language barriers
  • global market
  • resourceful
  • life-changing
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