Living in a country where you have to speak a foreign language can cause serious social problems, as well as practical problems. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Stay in
Verb problem
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abroad and speaking a
Correct pronoun usage
your mother
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tongue could be a great challenge for public and practical events. I completely agree with
statement and I am going to elaborate my take on it in forthcoming paragraphs. Internationally there are lots of job opportunities for foreign workers in developed countries and most people from third-world countries have migrated to economically rich countries.
, before entering the job most skilled workers must pass the
proficiency exams. Because we need to fulfil communication skills for customised with future buyers.
, as an example if a person qualified as a health care worker, there may be patients from rural or countryside , lots of villagers speak their native
and they are not familiar with international communication. So, job holders had unexpected difficulties with sharing ideas and taking notes on the history of the disease.
, the non-skilled worker
needs to learn as much as , all workers not only in clerical settings. There were labourers and cleaners as well. They should influent as much as to manage commands.
, they
should study the
where they plan to fly.
According to
my personal
Fix the agreement mistake
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, it is very difficult to demonstrate
Correct article usage
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due to
Correct article usage
a lack
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, we are the best we become unsuccessful carry out the presentations.
As a result
, our performances might be not enough to deal with them. Sometimes we have to drop down and start at zero. In a nutshell, to settle down as a foreign worker abroad it is difficult to company with customers,
Correct word choice
and co-workers
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as well. So it is an identical social and practical failure.
Submitted by amalitharangani0Most of villagers are changing their accommodations from villages to cities all around the world. As a result of this countryside residents are lower than town areas.I think this is a negative development and in this essay, I will elaborate my perspectives furthermore. According to this situation, my take on this is, different of the facilities between the town and the village. As an example, there are lots of shopping centres in the city such as house- hold items, clothes, stationeries, vehicles and so on. Conversely, developed educational centres, schools, hospitals with enough facilities are also at the urban areas. Nevertheless, there are lots of companies and unlimited job opportunities in the city area. Also, mostly there are continuous electricity, gas,water and well planned and punctual transport system as well. So people prefer to live in comfortably and moving to cities as they possible. Additionally, villagers and town people's have same basic need. Such as food, accommodation, education, good health and freedom as well. In some countries there is unavailable electricity in the countryside. Also, there is poor transport system, teachers and facilities at village schools. Moreover, sometimes not enough medications and human resources. So countryside people preferred to move to town. Finally, countryside population decreased and urbanisation in cities. In a nutshell, if there is as usual same facilities all over the city and rural areas,as there is lots of freedom in the countryside . My point of view is around the world this point is most prominent in developing countries. on

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task achievement
Work on developing your ideas and examples further to enhance your response. Providing more specific examples and explanations will strengthen your argument.
coherence cohesion
Aim to improve the logical structure of your paragraphs. Ensure that each paragraph transitions smoothly to the next, maintaining a clear progression of ideas.
coherence cohesion
Review grammar and sentence structure to improve clarity and reduce errors. This will help communicate your ideas more effectively.
introduction conclusion present
You have a clear introduction and conclusion, which effectively frame your essay.
relevant specific examples
You attempted to use relevant examples to support your points, which is commendable.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • linguistic proficiency
  • cross-cultural communication
  • miscommunication
  • social integration
  • linguistic alienation
  • cultural dissonance
  • language acquisition
  • communication breakdown
  • interpreter services
  • language courses
  • bilingualism
  • multilingualism
  • language barrier
  • effective communication
  • cultural assimilation
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