some people think that the best way to solve global environmental problems is to increase the cost of fuel. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

In the era of globalization, it is not challenging to recognize that the environment which plays a crucial role in our lives faces the threat of destruction.
Due to
the issues, some argue that the most effective way to prevent
is to raise the price of gasoline. I assume
action should be carried out to protect our standard of living. On the one hand, an increase in the price of
is the way that the government should do to regulate emissions. The initial point is that
of using their private vehicles, citizens are predicted to utilize public transport systems, resulting in protecting natural resources and mitigating exhaust gas.
In addition
to the aforementioned factor, I
believe that changing the
price can raise awareness of those who bear the thought that natural resources can be exploited over abused.
For instance
, people who do not know about environmental problems when gasoline costs increase will learn why
happens, thereby leading to more awareness of protecting natural resources.
On the other hand
, if
action were not performed, global environmental problems would continue dramatically, leading to various detrimental effects on human and animal lives. The first ground for
is that utilizing
can produce air pollution, leading to reduced lung function and increasing the risk of respiratory infections in residents.
, abusing oil refineries and the use of
in vehicles all release sulfur and nitrogen oxides into the atmosphere, causing acid deposition. These aspects are inextricably linked to environmental issues and contribute significantly to the nation’s well-being. In conclusion, solving environmental problems by increasing the prices of fuels is the primary way. By
performance, citizens can build a sustainable environment and preserve air pollution
as well as
climate change.
Submitted by [email protected] on

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coherence cohesion
While your essay has a clear structure and logically flows from one point to the next, try to enhance the complexity of your sentence structures to improve the readability. Additionally, ensure that each paragraph links more seamlessly to the next.
task achievement
Some of your ideas are well-developed, but try to provide more specific examples to solidify your arguments. Avoid making points without sufficient evidence or detailed explanation.
coherence cohesion
The essay presents a clear structure with an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion.
task achievement
You have addressed the task properly, discussing both the benefits and potential consequences of increasing fuel prices.
task achievement
The essay indicates an awareness of the importance of environmental issues and the challenges associated with them.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • consumption
  • emissions
  • alternative energy
  • conservation
  • mitigate
  • renewable energy technologies
  • affordability
  • collective action
  • innovation in energy efficiency
  • global cooperation
  • environmental measures
  • pollution
  • economic disparity
  • revenue
  • sustainable development
  • environmental sustainability
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