The pie charts provide information concerning the comparison between the benefits and drawbacks of Bowen Island.
At first glance, it can clearly be seen that the half of advantages are connected to the high cost of living.
, the largest portion of the disadvantages is related to the people.
Starting with the detail of the negative concerns, 50% of visitors Linking Words
complaints about the expensive price, Wrong verb form
a quarter of negative answers were about the entertainment. The weather responses based on the survey comprise 15%, Linking Words
food quality is the lowest part of drawbacks with one in ten segments.
With respect to advantages, Bowen Island is renowned for its people and scenery. Both of them held the highest segments at 42% and 35% respectively. Moving on to the comments about good accommodation and culture, the former accounted for by far the lowest chunk among the positive part at 11%, the latter shown at 12% of benefits.Linking Words