Scientists tell us that some activities are good for health and others are bad. Despite knowing that, millions of people still continue doing unhealthy activities. What are the causes and what are the solutions for this?

It is almost obvious to everyone what activity is safe or not and
experts have been highlighted it.
, a noticeable number of people ignore the advice and even believe in doing whatever they want.
essay will examine the underlying causes of
problem before suggesting viable solutions to address it. Activities can be divided into many group categories like healthy and harmful. Their group depend on being good or bad for the human body,
most people aware of
, tend to do that's substitutions by providing some reasons.
For example
, eating fast foods can cause cardiovascular disease after a
because of having an immense amount of
, next do some exercise which can end in death for humans,
as sky diving, kickbox and the like that can be hazardous,
due to
either lack in its rules or pieces of equipment. Surprisingly, accepting all these dangers by millions of mankind is just for their enjoyment. To mitigate the impact of doing some activities by knowing their disadvantages to the health of considerable persons, several measures can be taken.
, governments should introduce stricter regulations on using tools and ingredients with excellent quality like standard harnesses to the former and
with more HDL ( good
for the body ) and less LDL ( bad
for humans ) to the latter.
, another solution could be implementing educational programs to raise awareness about doing exercise in an approved place with standard devices and consuming indoor foods rather than outdoor's like fast food. An illustration of
can be seen in Sweden which has the biggest skydiving institution without any incidents,
in addition
, people of
country have a reputation for being fast-food-less buyers. In conclusion,
there is a lot of activity in the world which could jeopardise human health, governments could and should take some steps to reduce their hazard.
Submitted by aliaghanjd74 on

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task achievement
Try to provide more specific examples to strengthen your arguments. This will enhance the clarity and relevance of your essay.
coherence and cohesion
Make sure your sentences are clear and straightforward. Avoid overly complex sentence structures, which can affect readability.
task achievement
Your essay clearly presents and addresses the main question, which is a positive step towards task achievement.
coherence and cohesion
You have a clear introduction and conclusion, which helps in providing a coherent structure to your essay.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • addiction
  • chemical reactions
  • dependency
  • social and cultural norms
  • convenience
  • accessibility
  • education and awareness campaigns
  • temptations
  • implementing policies
  • taxing
  • supportive environment
  • accountability
  • unhealthy habits
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