The pie charts show the changes in the proportions for different forms transport which people used to get to their offices and turn back in a European city in 1959 and 2009

The pie charts show the changes in the proportions for different forms transport which people used to get to their offices and turn back in a European city in 1959 and 2009
The pie charts give information about comparison in the percentages of the way people used four different types of
to work and back in
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Europe in the years 1959 and 2009.
, it can be clearly seen that at the beginning of the period, Foot was the highest of
that Europeans used,
others contributed the lowest number. In comparison,
at the end
of the period, the biggest contribution was made by cars and the other remained
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the least
segment. The Foot sector accounted for 53% of the total
number in 1959 and experienced a significant decrease to a quarter in 2009. The rate of
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buses was 15% in 1959 and had a slight fall
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2% in 2009. Interestingly, the figure for the number of trains remained stable in both years at exactly 15%.
In contrast
, Cars, which comprised one-tenth of the total
in 1959, grew to 35% in 2009.
In addition
, others stood at precisely 5% in 1959 and increased more than twofold to 12% in 2009
Submitted by mfmakarim55 on

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Vocabulary: Replace the words transport with synonyms.
Vocabulary: The word "comparison" was used 2 times.
Vocabulary: The word "remained" was used 2 times.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • modes of transport
  • private transport
  • public transport
  • car ownership
  • cycling
  • pedestrian
  • commuter trends
  • urban infrastructure
  • traffic congestion
  • environmental sustainability
  • public policy
  • evolution
  • percentage
  • proportion
  • decade
  • convenience
  • accessibility
  • reliability
  • urban planning
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