Some companies encourage workers to be competitive, while others encourage temawokr. Discuss both sides and give your opinion.

Managers have an influential impact on their
some people believe that
should actively participate in team assessments, others argue that jobseekers should rather compete with each other in the workplace.
, I subscribe to the former view; in my perspective, teamwork instils a sense of responsibility, fosters social
, and promotes interactive learning, which facilitates workers to reap numerous benefits. On the one hand, group assessments promote sociality
as well as
provide opportunities to be involved in interactive learning.
In other words
, since
group themselves to carry out combined tasks, they tend to discuss problems and
together to draw a cumulative conclusion.
may result in improved verbal
and broadened horizons of learning. Research projects,
for instance
, epitomize group assessments in learning institutes, where not only do candidates learn additional ideas from others, but
master effective communication
and methods. It is,
, imperative to promote teamwork in the workplace as
may enhance the future prospects of
On the other hand
, competitive workplace environments encourage workers to generate innovative ideas. To elaborate, jobseekers, driven by the notion of standing topmost in competitions, struggle and explore unique ways of approaching various problems. Owing to their persistent hard
, new inventions and methodologies surface, which prove to be advantageous for workers’ promotions. Science fair projects,
for instance
, encourage students to experiment with unique concepts and draw hypotheses by employing online supplements and exploring internet tools;
, students
harder to achieve better scores, and,
, to attain the highest ranks.
, competition provokes workers to explore creativity which improves their
output. In conclusion,
promoting competition in employment has favourable outcomes in terms of escalating
output, I opine that teamwork cultivates persona and hones interactive
, and should, thereby, be integrated in workplaces.
Submitted by hadia.iftikhar126 on

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task achievement
Consider expanding on the counter-argument for competition in the workplace to provide a more balanced discussion. This can strengthen the completeness of your response.
coherence cohesion
Ensure that each paragraph thoroughly elaborates on the point being made and maintains a logical flow. Sometimes, more explicit linkage between ideas can enhance clarity.
task achievement
The essay has clear and comprehensive ideas with relevant, specific examples that support the arguments well.
coherence cohesion
The logical structure is well-maintained, and each paragraph flows naturally into the next. The introduction and conclusion are effectively presented.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • competitiveness
  • innovation
  • productivity
  • individual achievements
  • success-driven attitudes
  • push beyond their limits
  • negative consequences
  • high stress levels
  • unethical behavior
  • toxic work culture
  • reluctant to share knowledge
  • hinder collective growth
  • project success
  • collaboration
  • collective problem-solving
  • support each other's growth
  • common goals
  • positive work environment
  • job satisfaction
  • potential underperformance
  • rely too much on colleagues
  • group dynamics
  • equal contribution
  • effective teamwork
  • holistic and sustainable success
  • combined strengths
  • leveraged
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