In today's era , some individuals think that
are not haveChange the verb form
show examples
a Remove the article
show examples
too much importance as compared to the past time . The reason behind
Correct pronoun usage
show examples
is that
othersCorrect quantifier usage
show examples
ways to do
with the advent of online teaching . I disagree with the given statement to a great extent . I will explain my
view pointsCorrect your spelling
show examples
in the upcoming paragraphs
the conclusion .
are still prominent in schools and colleges ? One of the main reasons behind
isCorrect pronoun usage
show examples
thatCorrect determiner usage
show examples
importance of
face to faceAdd a hyphen
show examples
conversation . To clarify
classroomAdd an article
show examples
with the mentors ,
have an opportunity to discuss their doubts in person .
, they do not have
facility through online
:- An article published in
the Correct article usage
show examples
"The Times" stated that more than 80% of the
got Verb problem
show examples
success in their board examination by doing
with the
in the
The anotherRemove the article
show examples
reason is that Discipline . To make it simple ,
not only
helpsCorrect subject-verb agreement
show examples
in their exams, but they
play a crucial role in maintaining
ruleFix the agreement mistake
show examples
and regulations in the
curriculum ,
helpChange the verb form
show examples
to getVerb problem
show examples
achievementReplace the word
show examples
in their
furtherCorrect word choice
show examples
life Fix the agreement mistake
show examples
, above mentioned facts explain the value of
in the
of online
On the other side , In
present time , their other
ways through which
can do their
without the help of
in the
though Correct word choice
show examples
are crucial for
, nowadays. they can do their
through online
platformChange the noun form
show examples
You TubeCorrect your spelling
show examples
and Zoom. With the help of these
appFix the agreement mistake
show examples
school goingAdd a hyphen
show examples
children can
studiesReplace the word
show examples
of the availability of
the Correct article usage
show examples
videosChange the noun form
show examples
facilities .
, through E-books
usageReplace the word
show examples
their time in
Correct article usage
show examples
efficientlyChange the adverb
show examples
they are outside their
areas .
, they can read things online on phone
appFix the agreement mistake
show examples
doing Unnecessary verb
show examples
travelling as well .
aboveCorrect article usage
show examples
explained reasons
show the value of online teaching in the
areas .
In conclusion , though
can do best in their
without the presence of
but the still
the Correct article usage
show examples
online teaching can
Correct article usage
show examples
placesFix the agreement mistake
show examples
classrooms .