In some countries, more and more people are hiring personal fitness trainers, rather than playing sports or doing exercise classes What is the reason for this Is this a positive or negative development

In recent years, the way we used to do physical training has changed completely. Many people around the world often hire a personal fitness
who can train them, and they are reluctant to play games and other physical
activities. I feel that it is a negative development
due to
a compelling reason, which I will explain in the forthcoming paragraphs with relevant examples. The main reason that contributes to
trend is the focus and attention that only a professional can provide.
For example
, a gym
can closely observe their client's body postures and correct them if needed, which is impossible
exercising in a
, a gym
often keeps
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track of
every day
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goals and pushes the individuals to achieve the same. Owing to
, many people are leaning towards personal training rather than
classes. In my view,
personal training phenomenon is a negative development as it is limiting the individuals to interact with others.
In other words
, many
games usually contribute to teamwork as all the players have to work together in order to win a game. Take Cricket
for example
, in which 11 players play together as a team to win a match.
kinds of
activities are essential for
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growth of a person. In conclusion,
every day
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goals and close attention are the main benefits that a person can get by appointing a personal
of playing
games, I feel that it is a negative trend as many people may not interact with others, resulting in a loss of essential traits.
Submitted by kkhurana.vibhu on

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To further improve the logical structure, ensure that each paragraph has a clear topic sentence that introduces the main idea. This will help the reader follow the flow of your argument more easily.
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Enhance the support for your main points by providing more detailed and varied examples. This can help reinforce your arguments and make them more compelling.
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Try to elaborate slightly more on the opposing viewpoint in your introduction to provide a balanced perspective before presenting your own view. This can enrich your argument and demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the topic.
coherence cohesion
Your introduction is clear and concise, effectively setting up the main topic and your stance on it.
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You have provided relevant examples, such as the gym trainer and cricket, which help to illustrate your points effectively.
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Your essay has a clear conclusion that summarizes your main points and reiterates your stance, contributing to overall coherence.
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