As we move into the twenty-first century in
modernization, everyone has the right to live their Linking Words
Use synonyms
according to
their values and beliefs, though it is debated by several people that following regional customs is imperative, Linking Words
essay will shed light on both the given views and Linking Words
the valid point to be in Linking Words
with the later view.
First of all, it is commonly believed that freedom is equal to individualism. Change the spelling
, these are both different concepts Linking Words
according to
the research data. It is accepted that humans have only one Linking Words
to live so they can spend Use synonyms
according to
their terms and conditions. Linking Words
, thousands of people do so, and it helps to reduce unnecessary burdens in Linking Words
, but the younger generation takes advantage in an inappropriate way that can ruin their lives. Use synonyms
For example
in Japan, 70 year old is bullied by friends, saying that he is obsolete and cannot hang out with them because he leaves with his parents at young age and that boy committed suicide after that.
Linking Words
On the other hand
, conservatism has people to be committed to the root values of tradition. Linking Words
In other words
, it is crucial to be resilient and adapt with time but Linking Words
with the spiritual and customs representative as a confident person state. Replace the word
For instance
, the famous billionaire Bill Gates states on a national elevation that spirituality and persistence are the keys to success, and no one should forget, from where they come.
In conclusion, Linking Words
according to
me, living Linking Words
with a lot of freedom is important but not more than our true beliefs and ethics. Acceptance of core values and own tradition is a sign of insightful character.Use synonyms