Government investment in the arts, such as music and theatre, is a waste of money. Governments must invest this money in public services instead. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Whilst some
are of the view that the leading authorities should allocate money for
referring to music and theatre. Others believe that governments should address their funding to public services
of spending it on recreational activities. In my opinion, I totally agree that public services merit government funding more than
On the other hand
, it is undeniable that the
with entertainment and yield various psychological rewards
as relief from stress;
, art institutions are more likely to attract investment from the private sector.
, these facilities can generate their own profit without governmental financial assistance.
For example
, in 2014,
according to
an article published in The New York Times, about 80% of the concerts that were held in the summertime earned more than 3 million dollars.
, business
prefer to invest in the
more than anything else.
On the other hand
, it is evidently clear that public sectors
as schools, roads, and hospitals determine the quality of life for the citizens.
In other words
, if the government ignored these vital facilities,
would live unhealthy and unfulfilled lives.
For instance
according to
a questionnaire administered by researchers at Chicago University, the vast majority of students need a bigger library as the current one is almost always busy all the time, but they did not ask for a park or playing field. In conclusion, in light of what has been discussed,
recreational activities are of high value for one’s well-being, it is still not deserving of government spending. It is highly recommended that the construction of public facilities should be given the foremost consideration.
Submitted by maisarahamirah16 on

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You have effectively structured your essay with a clear introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. However, ensure that each paragraph flows smoothly to maintain coherence.
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Your response addresses the prompt and presents a clear viewpoint. To further improve, you can elaborate more on both sides of the argument to provide a more balanced discussion.
Your essay has a clear structure with a defined introduction, main body paragraphs, and a conclusion.
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You have provided relevant examples to support your main points, which strengthens your argument.
Your ideas are clearly presented and easy to follow. Your language and expression are mostly precise.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • cultural enrichment
  • expression of creativity
  • promote diversity
  • enhance social cohesion
  • boost tourism
  • job creation
  • stimulate economic growth
  • improve quality of life
  • essential services
  • maintenance and development
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