The government is spending a lot of money to discover life on alien planets. Some people think that the government is wasting money and should spend money addressing the problems of the public. To what extent do you agree?

In the era of globalization, a diverse range of individuals are enthusiastic and obsessed with the idea of exploring aliens and new planets.
, governments are spending money to investigate new creatures. An array of persons are assume it is a waste of money, time and resources.
, others believe it will help with accommodation issues. I totally disagree with
argument, I will elaborate on my point of view.
To begin
we live in a pioneering era, we are far from exploiting
technology and constructing space colonies. The wages to build a space rocket or to test it are very high. It can cost billions of dollars. With
money, we can build new education centres and cities.
, the equipment is very rare and overpriced. It
can harm our environment.
For instance
, recent Chigaco University research illustrated that the emissions from rockets are equal to fifty cars during a whole year. Moving
, some countries will experiment
Change preposition
show examples
the military industry.
will mean a new race to obtain a new unfathomable power.
, more than ninety per cent of the satellites around our planet are used for security and spying between nations.
, the priority should be the citizen and how to facilitate his life. The government should ameliorate the infrastructure and repair roads for better transportation.
In addition
, they can exploit
investment in health care. As we can see the health care system around the world is fragile and will explode at any time.
For example
, during the pandemic of coronavirus, space inventions did not assist people to survive. Probing
, we can use it to improve the educational system by establishing new curricula and more schools. In conclusion, it's essential to explore more about our universe. The universe hides a lot of secrets which waiting for us to discover .
, the priority should be for our citizens first.
Submitted by mohannadsme on

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Your essay would benefit from clearer topic sentences that outline the main point of each paragraph right at the beginning. This would help improve the logical flow and coherence.
Consider providing more specific examples for your arguments, especially when discussing potential benefits of government spending on public issues. This can make your argument more compelling and concrete.
Some sentences could be rephrased for better clarity. For instance, instead of saying 'an array of persons are assume,' it should be 'an array of persons assume.' This can help in making your writing smooth and easy to follow.
You’ve structured your essay well with clear introduction and conclusion paragraphs, which is effective for readability.
Your argument for prioritizing public issues over space exploration is well-articulated and relevant.
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