In the future, nobody will buy printed newspapers or books because they will be able to read everything they want online without any payment. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement

In the present day, people prefer to read online
of buying printed ones from the market , so
according to
the folks, there will be no importance of printed
in the upcoming time . I totally agree with
point of view . First of all , nowadays technology is increasing day by day
due to
which there are so many new applications and software available on the mobile screen which helps a lot to save too much time for anyone . There are multifarious
available on the internet which a person can read peacefully at his or her home without going to any library .
, people are saving too much money by reading news online and they don't need to pay for
because everyday news is available online .
For example
, I have saved a lot of money by using
which are on the Internet, I remember when I was enrolled in a cosmetology program that time I did not spend a single penny on any type of book .
, reading
online would
help to protect the environment from pollution .When the masses will not buy any written
and bills I will be helpful to reduce paper production
due to
which trees will not be cut by the community and I will help to make the environment breathe, In conclusion , I believe that people will abandon printed
Fix the agreement mistake
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and booklets in the future and will rely on online stuff for their
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Submitted by jass.sekhon4693 on

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task achievement
Ensure that all arguments presented are well-defined and directly address the topic. Some points in your essay need further elaboration and detailed explanation to strengthen your response.
coherence cohesion
Maintain a logical flow throughout the essay. While your ideas are coherent, they could be better connected to enhance the overall structure.
task achievement
Use specific examples where possible. Your example from your cosmetology program is a good start, but providing more varied and relevant examples would better support your points.
task achievement
You've clearly stated your position in the introduction and conclusion, which helps provide a clear framework for your essay.
coherence cohesion
Your essay's organization is logical, with a natural progression of ideas from one paragraph to the next.
coherence cohesion
The essay has a clear introduction and conclusion, which frames your argument well.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • digital accessibility
  • convenience
  • physical storage space
  • cost-effective
  • environmental footprint
  • sustainable
  • quality and authenticity
  • editorial processes
  • digital divide
  • reliable internet access
  • information dissemination
  • consumer preferences
  • economic impact
  • printing industry
  • subscription services
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