Interest in homeschooling is becoming more widespread around the world. In your opinion, should school be compulsory for all children, or should families be allowed the right to choose to educate their children at home?

is developing, many parents are faced with the challenge of choosing an educational program for their kids. Some of them prefer conventional
others start thinking of homeschooling. Being a parent I have been thinking about
question a lot and I am convinced that traditional
should be obligatory. In my essay, I would like to discuss
issue and present some arguments to support my point of view. Traditional
is considered to be valuable as it follows particular standards approved by the government , which provide a structured learning process.
, it is easier to control the quality of
In addition
, only professional teachers are allowed to work in schools, so parents can trust their competence.
For example
, in the case of homeschooling very frequently parents can not explain some academic materials to their children, which can lead to misunderstanding and failure in the future.
, schools are designed to educate children, they attend them not only for academic purposes. I mean, communication with peers at
contributes to the development of social skills and the ability to work in a team. At schools, children learn to resolve conflicts, communicate,and cooperate, which is important for the formation of their personality.,
, there is an opportunity to communicate with different people of different ages, cultures and levels of
As a result
contributes t to the expansion of hardships and the development of tolerance,and respect for the other opinions of others
as well as
encourages the ability to adapt to various situations.
For example
, you usually find your first friends at
To sum up
, I believe that traditional
is a more effective system for the development of the child and should be mainly home-schooling.
, each parent has the right to choose the form of
and here it is important to strive for a flexible and individually oriented approach.
Submitted by samedovateacher on

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task achievement
Ensure all points discussed are supported with specific examples or evidence. This will strengthen the argument and enhance task achievement.
coherence cohesion
Watch for minor grammatical errors, such as missing articles or incorrect punctuation, and consider using a proofreader for refinement.
introduction conclusion present
The introduction clearly states the essay's main argument and outlines the structure of the discussion.
logical structure
Good logical structure and flow, with clear transitions between ideas and paragraphs.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • Compulsory education
  • Homeschooling
  • Formal education
  • Personalization
  • Flexibility
  • Socialization
  • Peer interaction
  • Educational outcomes
  • Success rates
  • Traditionally schooled
  • Societal implications
  • Parental involvement
  • Technological advancements
  • Cultural differences
  • Learning styles
  • Feasibility
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