Some people think that it would be better for large companies and industry to move to regional areas outside large urban centers. Do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?

It is believed that big corporations and industries are relocating their business operations to remote areas. I agree with
statement and
consider that the merits surpass the drawbacks. One of the major benefits of shifting to remote areas is that it saves money for companies. Many governments around the different part of the world offer special schemes
as economic zones which persuades investors to invest in different
. These schemes usually include tax cuts and subsidized rent and utility bills, and
allowed them to operate
with lower costs and make huge proportions of profit.
For instance
, the Malaysian government established a rent-free economic zone outside Kuala Lumpur, whose purpose was to attract potential investors.
As a result
, it saw 15000
investing around 15 billion dollars. In short, organizations can cut overhead costs by relocating to areas with less or no rent.
, it
allows the employees to commute easily and avoid the traffic congestion of urban cities.
Remove the comma
show examples
the distance required to reach the office may increase, lots of time is saved because there is no traffic on the way.
For instance
, I commute to my job in the main commercial hub of London and spend about 2 hours daily commuting to the site and back home.
precious time could have been used for other activities like exercise, reading books, or cooking food. In conclusion, relocation of
has many advantages as opposed to drawbacks and I would highly suggest the business community relocate in the near future.
Submitted by shahroz99dev on

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task response
The essay presents a clear introduction and conclusion, which effectively frame the response. However, a more nuanced discussion of the disadvantages could strengthen the argument and demonstrate a balanced view.
coherence cohesion
The essay is generally well-organized, but there are a few minor lapses in coherence. For instance, the transition between discussing cost savings and employee commute could be smoother to enhance the overall flow.
coherence cohesion
The essay structure is logical and includes an effective introduction and conclusion, contributing to a clear framework.
task achievement
The use of relevant and specific examples, such as the Malaysian economic zone and personal commuting experience, strongly supports the main points.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • Economic Development
  • Job Opportunities
  • Local Spending
  • Infrastructure Development
  • Urban Congestion
  • Traffic Congestion
  • Pollution Levels
  • Overpopulation
  • Operational Costs
  • Quality of Life
  • Living Conditions
  • Commuting
  • Community Development
  • Healthcare
  • Education
  • Social Services
  • Environmental Impact
  • Innovation Hubs
  • Collaborations
  • Profitability
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