The chart below shows the results of a European survey into young people's expectations for change in five areas of life in the next 20 years. They were asked if they thought things would improve or get worse.

The given chart compares five domains in terms of prediction of youngsters when they are asked in research conducted in Europe about whether these areas will be enhanced or vice versa during the upcoming 20 years.
, it can be seen that,
in most areas the opinions of young people are different, most of them reckon that the quality of air in urban areas is likely to deteriorate. The majority of juveniles expect that there will be an improvement in communication between people.
In contrast
, a slight difference was observed in expectations of
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the young
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regarding the quality of food with 49% for improvement and 51% for decline respectively. When it comes to the quality of water and medicine, the predictions of youth were almost the same with the distinction of just 2 per cent. The majority,
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58% and 60%, thought that things would get worse
42% and 40% of youngsters believe that enhancements will undergo in these spheres.
, only 23 per cent of young people hope that the condition of air in cities will be better after 20 years,
77% of them believe that deterioration is inevitable.
Submitted by abdulaziz on

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Conclusion: The conclusion is too long.
Vocabulary: The word "improvement" was used 2 times.
Vocabulary: Use several vocabularies to present the data in the second paragraph.
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