A city should try to preserve its old, historic buildings rather than replacing them with modern buildings. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Municipal councils play an important role in preserving traditional scenery in each city. Some people argue that a city should maintain traditional
rather than constructing modern new ones. I agree to a certain extent with
there may be some convincing reasons why the local government should update historic
into modern ones, the reasons why historic
should be kept are more significant. On the one hand, when a city builds a modern style of
, there are some
an up-to-date style of
generally attracts visitors or users of
since those
are usually equipped with the latest functions and features,
as facilities of brightness, spacious layout, and security functions, which makes the users feel comfortable.
For instance
of ‘Toranomon-hills’ in Tokyo which include both attractive shopping and office areas, are always packed with a large number of visitors and office workers.
building owners
financially benefit from new facilities
due to
the fact that modern facilities attract people and increase the number of visitors and tenants, which in general results in earning more profits for building owners.
On the other hand
, when traditional
are preserved, we can see more
. One of the reasons is that municipal councils can keep traditional scenery by maintaining an old style of
so that their cities can become famous tourist destinations which appeal to travellers from other areas.
For example
, Kiyomizu-temple in Kyoto is one of the major tourist sites in the world for its magnificent landscapes.
As a result
, there will be a rise in the number of consumers in the local area, which can expedite local economic development. Another reason is that maintaining historic
leads to passing traditional local culture on to the next generation. The youngers can find and learn about the historic culture and their ancestors’ lifestyle in their areas from old
, which leads to the respect of ancestors and the preservation of local customs. In conclusion, I believe that the local government should have historic
remaining because
from constructing new
are limited to users or owners of
, the preservation of traditional
will bring about more
to a wider range of people.
Submitted by june06112000 on

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Your use of relevant examples, such as 'Toranomon-hills’ and 'Kiyomizu-temple in Kyoto,' effectively supports your arguments and adds credibility to your essay.
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