The most important aim of science should be to improve people’s lives. To what extend do you agree or disagree with this statement?

It is universally accepted that the value of human beings is most important and treasurable in every field in our society. Many inhabitants claim that the actions of scientists should be directed at improving the level of individuals’
. Personally, I strongly agree with the given idea that the main target and purpose of science need to be to enhance individuals’ well-being. On the one hand, scientists work hard in order to create vaccines, it is undoubtedly beneficial for our society
due to
the decreasing number of accidental deaths.
significant breakthrough led to longevity among human beings. To cite an example, when we encountered the Covid-19 pandemic, scientists from different countries created vaccines, which saved the
of individuals.
, as a medical student, I can notice that the treatment and medicaments created by qualified researchers cure different stages of cancer. These improvements in the health system were unpredictable in ancient life.
, powerful medications, like antibiotics that were established after a wide variety of research are crucial for preventing bacterial infections.
On the other hand
, science has contributed many advancements and benefits that go beyond human utility, tremendously impacting other species and the environment as well.
, it cannot be limited only to upgrading individuals’
. To show an example, through discoveries of scientific researchers have been developed methods to make crops more resilient to pests and climate change. These huge improvements in agronomy help to maintain of farming ecosystem.
In addition
, have been developed methods for protect the environment and all living species from pollution. With renewable energy sources and advanced filtration all forms of life benefit from
. To draw the conclusion, science-appropriate directions in the 21st society are like a double-edged sword.
, researchers nowadays are implementing actions that help to improve the
well-being of individuals. Despite utilizing scientific breakthroughs in the numerous different fields of the planet’s
, the major and fundamental aim is still better livelihoods of human beings.
Submitted by makemoneyizzy16 on

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task achievement
The essay presents a clear stance on the topic, strongly agreeing with the given statement. Ensure you stay focused and address all parts of the task.
task achievement
Make sure to provide relevant, specific examples to support your main points. For instance, detailing how specific vaccines were developed or how specific scientific innovations have improved wellbeing could strengthen your argument.
coherence cohesion
Overall, your thoughts are well-organized. However, there’s room for better paragraph transitions to increase the flow of the essay. Linking phrases can make the transition smoother between points and ideas.
coherence cohesion
Ensure all paragraphs are fully developed – while you touched on several important aspects, some arguments could be elaborated upon to add depth and better cohesion to your essay.
While there are some mechanical and grammatical errors, most do not significantly interfere with understanding. A thorough proof-read can reduce these minor mistakes.
coherence cohesion
The introduction clearly outlines the essay's position and sets the stage for discussion, which is good for setting the reader's expectations.
coherence cohesion
There is a logical structure to the essay with a clear introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion.
task achievement
The essay provides a comprehensive view by acknowledging the benefits of science in fields beyond individual well-being, which adds depth to the argument.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • crucial role
  • enhancing
  • quality of human life
  • advancements
  • medicine
  • healthcare
  • scientific research
  • solving societal problems
  • improving living standards
  • global issues
  • climate change
  • food scarcity
  • technological advancements
  • limitations
  • negative consequences
  • ethical considerations
  • sustainability
  • environmental preservation
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