Due to the influence of worldwide media such as television and computers, the gap between cultures is decreasing. The introduction of this global culture is a great benefit to the world. To what extent do you agree with this viewpoint?

Thanks to technological developments, the gap between different cultures is declining. Certain individuals claim that
change has a lot of advantages. I do not agree with
statement because it can lead to the loss of cultural identity and can reduce the popularity of tourism.
, global culture can cause the deterioration of ethnic self-conception.
due to
the fact that each nation differentiates from each other by their own language and traditions, which were inherited from generation to generation.
, reduced use of these features in order to form a single community with the same attitudes can have serious consequences,
as the degradation of certain cultures.
For example
, most of the inhabitants of Kazakhstan cannot speak their mother tongue because of the globalization and integration of the Russian language.
, the number of people who like to travel can decrease.
That is
to say that men and women visit other countries not only for fun but
to expand their knowledge and experience different cultures. If there is no uniqueness, visitors will not want to spend their money to see the same thing.
, the proportion of the population who prefers travelling will significantly drop.
For instance
, the research taken in the United States revealed that the number of foreigners visiting New York went down by 43%, and the main reason was the fact that the culture of American citizens is not so interesting.
To conclude
, I think that the introduction of global culture
due to
the influence of worldwide media is a negative development because
change can cause the loss of popularity in the field of tourism and destroy cultural identity.
Submitted by Aqxniet on

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