Some university students want to learn about other subjects in addition to their main subjects. Others believe it is more important to give all their time and attention to study for a qualification. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

who are going to university believe that they should not stick with their
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, and they ought to seek knowledge from
not related to what they are studying.
On the other hand
, if they want to be professional in their field, they have to focus just on their main
. In
essay, I will explain these opposite ideas and my point of view. On the one hand, many proponents emphasize that we should learn about things that are different from what we're studying. They agree that expanding knowledge in various sectors in life
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will help us to be better in our jobs and relationships.
In addition
, they believe that as the whole world is connected to each other, sometimes studying
other than your main ones could help you to find solutions to many unknown questions in your field.
For example
, if scientists had not studied animals, they would not have known that snakes' venom is important in creating many medical drugs.
, many people argue that university
should pay attention to their
to master what they are going to do in the future. They think that studying other
may distract them from reaching their goal which is being good and having a lot of information in their field.
As a result
, these
might find huge problems in finding jobs
due to
their poor knowledge and high competition.
For instance
, a medical student who reads other
and books, may not be good as they should use most of their time on studying to be good at it. In conclusion, whether
agree with studying other
or not. In my opinion, they should manage their time in a way that they focus and study their main
, and in their free time, they study other
that will help them in their lives.
Submitted by okalqusay on

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task achievement
Your response addresses both sides of the argument, which is key for a balanced essay. However, ensure to provide deeper analysis or examples in some parts to strengthen your argument further.
coherence cohesion
The essay's structure is generally logical, with a clear introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion. To enhance it, use more cohesive devices to better connect your ideas and paragraphs.
Use a greater variety of vocabulary and sentence structures to enhance your essay's readability and sophistication.
task achievement
You presented both viewpoints clearly and effectively, showing a balanced understanding of the topic.
coherence cohesion
The essay is well-organized with a clear structure, including an introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion.
task achievement
You provided a relevant example about the use of snake venom in medical drugs, which added value to your argument.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • broadens
  • cultivates
  • well-rounded
  • fosters
  • versatile
  • interdisciplinary
  • innovative
  • exclusively
  • specialized
  • competence
  • enhancing
  • job prospects
  • competitive market
  • depth
  • breadth
  • educational strategy
  • rapidly changing
  • diverse skill set
  • flexibility
  • adaptability
  • highly specialized
  • crucial
  • expertise
  • qualifications
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