The maps below show the changes that took place at a science and technology museum between 1996 and 2016. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

The maps below show the changes that took place at a science and technology museum between 1996 and 2016.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.
The maps show how the Science and Technology
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site was re-developed in the 20-year period between 1996 and 2016.
, the site expanded its facilities and exhibits, with key changes seemingly designed to update the museum for the 21st century. The modernisation of the museum can be seen in a number of ways. In terms of exhibits, the writing desks, diesel engine exhibition, and print room were replaced by computers, electrical cars and a digital technology room respectively.
In addition
, a new VR room, 3D cinema and solar wind
were added to the site. In fact, the only exhibit
that remained in the same location was the steam engine exhibition. In terms of public facilities, most were retained, but the library was
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to slightly north of its original position, the reception
stayed where it was but was expanded, and the café
was converted into a restaurant. The car park remained in its original position, but its lower portion was rebuilt as a bicycle path.
Submitted by aakbarov2010 on

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Vocabulary: Replace the words area with synonyms.
Vocabulary: Rephrase the word "show" in your introduction.
Vocabulary: Rephrase the word "changes" in your introduction.
Vocabulary: The word "remained" was used 2 times.
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