In some culture children are often told that they can achieve anything if they try hard enough. What are the advantages and disavdantages of giving children this message?

There are distinguished recommendations that distinct global traditions convey to their younger generation regarding their ability to accomplish various tasks and fulfil their desires. Some suggest that nothing can hamper children's path towards success in any field if they do their best.
advice has both positive and negative ramifications that I discuss in
essay. On the one hand, transferring
strong can-do opinion to the youth creates an immense dose of hope and encourages them to experience various tasks.
For example
, if someone is sufficiently tenacious, does not dread failure and keeps trying despite impediments, he will certainly succeed
at the end
of the journey and receive the fruit of persistence.
energetic advisory has the potential to bring about an optimistic society which can prosper in all aspects of life regardless of hardships or challenges.
generation of thirsty juveniles capable of achieving and accomplishing makes a brighter future for that culture.
On the other hand
recommendation neglects the unique characteristics and genetics of every single individual. Considering that some have greater physical skills, some are sharper in terms of brain talents and aptitudes, and others are pioneers in soft skills
as leadership and communication,
for instance
, these distinguished capacities result in specific professions being suitable for each of the aforementioned categories leading to renowned professors, leaders and mechanics.
, everybody is better at some particular task and we should assist our children to figure out their hidden potentials. In conclusion, suggesting that the youth can achieve whatever they cherish is a tremendous positive phenomenon as it inspires hope. Meanwhile, we have to be vigilant and give a hand to them not only facilitating their path towards realising their highest potential but
rescuing them from being confused in the vast ocean of infinite choices that one cannot possibly test them all.
Submitted by sajjad.talebi2020 on

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You have addressed both advantages and disadvantages, providing a balanced view on the topic.
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