There is a lot of pressure on young people today to succeed academically. As a result, some people believe that non-academic subjects, such as physical education and cookery, should be removed from the school syllabus so that children can concentrate on academic work. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

These days, most parents are forcing their
to follow an academic major and become
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in the future. They argue that by removing non-academic syllabi,
can put all their effort into developing themselves in academic fields. I agree that it's important to schedule school classes in a more academic way;
, I believe that removing all non-academic subjects is not an educated decision. On the one hand, the main reason for studying in academic institutions like schools is to prepare
for pursuing academic fields at universities
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and offering more academic lessons during childhood can build their educational foundation for the following years.
For example
, if a child decides to become a medical doctor, having strong biological knowledge is a crucial part of their toolkit.
, there is no doubt that learning academic subjects requires a significant portion of the school timetable.
On the other hand
, teaching extracurricular activities
as art, music, and
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is one of the most effective methods to nourish
at early ages with useful
For instance
, learning football is a good way to teach pupils teamwork. These
are as important as professional knowledge. The ability to act as a valuable team player is a vital skill even in serious professions like surgery.
reason, I contend that removing these programs is not a good idea; they can equip young individuals with broader
to contribute to society. In conclusion, I believe that as long as academic subjects are priorities, it is
important to hold some extracurricular classes at schools.
attitude can provide a strong balance between a student's knowledge and
Submitted by Sara.dehghanimoini on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • pressure
  • succeed
  • academically
  • non-academic
  • physical education
  • cookery
  • school syllabus
  • concentrate
  • academic work
  • well-rounded
  • enhancement
  • practical skills
  • balanced education system
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