Research shows that global warming is caused by human activity. What are the possible effects of climate change and what can governments and individuals do to reduce these?

Without any doubt, human practices have been responsible for causing global warming problems on the planet. Reckless cutting of trees, proliferating pollution and much more are some of the potential reasons behind
essay will discuss the reasons and preventive approach to mitigate
concern in detail. The first and foremost reason is that, cutting forests and converting them into urban cities to accommodate the needs of the growing population.
will reduce the rainfall which will directly pose a threat to green vegetation, animals, the environment and a lot more.
For example
, a recent survey done by Oxford University revealed that in Nigeria the temperature has dramatically increased because of the destruction of green belt regions which evidently affected the climatic conditions.
, the increasing pollution from industries and
is another key reason for the birth of
results in the draining of the Ozone layer and makes the earth's surface quite hot.
For example
, the US Environment Department study revealed that 15% of damage to
protective layer of the atmosphere is caused by the emission of toxic gases from automobiles and companies.
, our collective actions will bring dramatic changes to control
situation. Government and Citizens should cognitively step forward and plant ample rees.
, strict laws should be put in place for the construction industries.
, the utilisation of electric
and public transport should be promoted in society in order to save the changing behaviour of the weather.
For instance
,the air quality index of the Quebec province is salubrious because of the usage of battery-operated
and metro trains.
To conclude
, these all factors are responsible for global warming but mankind saves the environment by reducing
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and growing trees. These will help in future to save weather conditions.
Submitted by kaverigoti2209 on

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task achievement
Your essay addresses the causes and preventive measures related to global warming thoroughly. However, including more detailed suggestions for individual actions could enhance your response.
coherence cohesion
The logical structure is mostly clear, but there are a few areas where the flow of ideas could be improved. For example, ensuring smoother transitions between paragraphs can help improve clarity.
coherence cohesion
There is an overuse of generic linking words like 'first and foremost' and 'nevertheless.' Try to use a variety of cohesive devices to improve the overall flow and connection of ideas.
Your introduction is well-structured and clearly lays out the purpose of the essay.
Your conclusion effectively summarizes the key points and provides a clear ending to the essay.
The essay includes relevant specific examples which help in supporting your points effectively.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • global warming
  • human activity
  • climate change
  • rising sea levels
  • natural disasters
  • ecosystems
  • biodiversity
  • weather patterns
  • agriculture
  • food shortages
  • respiratory issues
  • heat strokes
  • spread of diseases
  • renewable energy
  • sustainable practices
  • carbon footprint
  • legislation
  • public awareness
  • individual responsibility
  • greenhouse gas emissions
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