In some countries, many more people are choosing to live alone nowadays than in the past. Do you think this is a positive or negative development?

There are countries where more
are deciding to live by themselves than they did in the past. I believe that
is a positive development because these
’s actions are not restricted by housemates, and when
live alone, it helps a country’s economy. When
live alone, they are free from the restrictions imposed by cohabitants.
That is
to say, they do not have to make compromises when
have different ideas of how a house should be maintained, and it can help them save time by not having to wait for others to finish using appliances or equipment that they need to use.
For example
, it has recently been reported that
who live on their own suffer far fewer anxiety-related issues than those who share their living space because of the sense of freedom it gives them. A country’s economy will
grow if more
are living alone.
is because these
are no longer sharing bills, and,
, more money is being spent.
, to avoid loneliness, these
tend to get out of the house more often and engage in social activities with their friends and family, which results in more spending and aids economic development even
For instance
, in universities across America, students who stay in one-bedroom apartments rarely stay at home during the evenings, but
is not the case for those who live in shared accommodation. In conclusion, I think the increasing trend of
living alone is beneficial as these individuals have freedom from the limitations of sharing accommodation with others, and it creates more spending, which is good for the economy.
Submitted by emteeme on

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