like to eat at
stands and fine-dine restaurants
others prefer eating homemade
. Proponents who prefer eating at home
of homemade
preferCorrect pronoun usage
show examples
describe the
of their work and their stressful working environment.
essay will explore why
is the case and try to describe why I prefer eating homemade
with suitable examples.
To being with,
who prefer eating outside
or in restaurants
describesCorrect subject-verb agreement
show examples
their preference based on the
in their
lifeFix the agreement mistake
show examples
. For some, eating
is just to replenish their energy so they can work more,
for some it is the only option for them since they are unable to cook for themselves.
, professionals like doctors and corporate
employeeFix the agreement mistake
show examples
doesChange the verb form
show examples
not have
luxuryAdd an article
show examples
to afford homemade
their overbearing time constraints
which they prefer takeouts or restaurant
who prefer homemade
describesCorrect subject-verb agreement
show examples
of their
based on reasons
as their unique experience
preparing their
and adjusting it to their
, affordability, taste, and dietary qualities.
, looking from two perspectives, one
thatAdd a missing verb
show examples
childrenChange to a singular noun
show examples
loves the
that their mother makes because of the love and accuracy in
puts in their
familiesChange noun form
show examples
, on
otherCorrect article usage
show examples
, mother knows the quality and nutritional
requirementFix the agreement mistake
show examples
for their children.
, restaurant and
comesChange the verb form
show examples
at a hefty price tag
offersChange the verb form
show examples
affordability and nutritional
valuesFix the agreement mistake
show examples
In conclusion, I believe it is understandable to eat
and restaurant
on some
peopleChange noun form
show examples
professions and their stressful environment.
, I strongly believe that the daily nutritional value that homemade
areCorrect subject-verb agreement
show examples
crucial for a healthy lifestyle.