The world is consuming natural resources faster than they can be renewed. Therefore, it is important that products are made to last. Governments should discourage people from constantly buying more up-to-date or fashionable products. To what extent do you agree with this statement?

The rapid depletion of natural
due to
excessive consumerism is a growing concern in today's globalized world. Some argue that governments should play a crucial role in guiding people's purchasing habits to conserve these
. I largely agree with
view, but I believe that the responsibility does not rest solely with the government; individuals must
take an active role in
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essay will explore the rationale behind my perspective, supported by relevant examples. On the one hand, it is undeniable that natural
are being consumed at an unsustainable rate, largely
due to
excessive waste and unnecessary consumption.
, it is imperative for governments to implement stringent policies that discourage overconsumption and promote sustainable living. High demand for non-essential products puts tremendous pressure on markets, leading to the overuse of
as oil and gas in production and transportation processes.
For instance
, in 2021, the European Union introduced a policy limiting each household to the purchase of only one car, with no exceptions.
measures can significantly curb resource depletion and could serve as a model for other nations.
On the other hand
, I believe that the conservation of natural
is not solely the government's responsibility; individuals must
be held accountable. If consumers prioritize reusable and sustainable products over single-use or trendy items, the strain on natural
would be considerably reduced.
For example
, many young people today spend a significant portion of their savings on the latest smartphones,
as iPhones, and often replace them with every new model.
not only fuels unnecessary consumerism but
leads to the overexploitation of natural
required for manufacturing these devices. In conclusion,
government intervention through strict policies can indeed help reduce the consumption of vital
like oil, gas, and minerals, it is equally important for individuals to alter their purchasing
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. Only through a collective effort can we hope to preserve the planet's
and ensure a sustainable future for all.
Submitted by arshkaurbrar on

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task achievement
Incorporate more diverse examples to support your arguments. While the essay mentioned the EU’s car policy and consumer behavior related to smartphones, more varied examples could strengthen your points.
coherence cohesion
Make sure your paragraphs are well-balanced in terms of content. The second body paragraph could use a bit more elaboration to match the depth of the first one.
task achievement
The essay presents a clear and comprehensive response to the prompt, effectively addressing both the role of government and individual responsibility.
coherence cohesion
The essay has a logical structure with a clear introduction, well-developed body paragraphs, and a concise conclusion.
coherence cohesion
Main points are well-supported with relevant examples, making the argument more persuasive.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • sustainable practices
  • resource depletion
  • long-lasting goods
  • fast consumerism
  • environmental impact
  • planned obsolescence
  • consumer awareness
  • sharing economy
  • repair culture
  • government intervention
  • economic implications
  • conservation-minded
  • sustainable materials
  • production methods
  • environmental protection
  • personal freedom
  • collective responsibility
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