The line graph illustrates the amount of visitor spend for visitors to New Zealand from 5 countries over a period of eighteen years between 1996 and 2014.

The line graph illustrates the amount of visitor spend for visitors to New Zealand from 5 countries over a period of eighteen years between 1996 and 2014.
The line graph provides information about how much travellers spent on their New Zealand trip from the year 1996 to 2014,which the tourists were from 5 countries,namely Australia,the
,the UK,Japan, and China. Regarding the large two nations, Australia and the
, it is obvious that the total expenditure on Australian trips experienced the most throughout the period,with a moderate increase for the first 10-year period and a fluctuation after the year 2006.
, the figure for the
displayed an almost similar pattern over time. For the rest of the countries, the numbers showed a fluctuation over 18 years. The most spending reached a peak at approximately 2,500 dollars a trip by Australian in 2006
's amount
peaked at around 1,800 in 2010. After that, both
declined until the end of the timeframe Surprisingly, the Chinese budget had never spent over 500 dollars on vacation in
, Japan's expenses for the overseas trip slightly dropped after the year 2002,varying from 1,100 to 500 in the final.
Submitted by phanphetpor on

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Sentences: Add more complex sentences.
Linking words: Don't use the same linking words: "also".
Vocabulary: Replace the words usa with synonyms.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • illustrates
  • visitor spend
  • over a period of
  • eighteen years
  • between 1996 and 2014
  • general trend
  • observed
  • increase
  • decrease
  • fluctuations
  • a breakdown of
  • spending habits
  • comparison
  • highest spenders
  • lowest spenders
  • possible reasons
  • economic conditions
  • tourism promotions
  • significant events
  • specific significant peaks
  • drops in spending
  • corresponding years
  • impact of external factors
  • global financial crisis
  • natural disasters
  • summarizing
  • overall trend
  • implications
  • tourism industry
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