In the future all cars, buses and trucks will be driverless. The only people travelling inside these vehicles will be passengers. Do you think the advantages of driverless vehicles outweigh the disadvantages?

The developments that are significant in technology are an undeniable fact. And,
are thought to be
in the near coming years.
, passengers will not need a driver for travelling. In
essay, I will examine
situation to see whether it is an advantageous or disadvantageous situation. First of all, after machine learning developed, devices became more intelligent than people.
, machines don’t even fail on a job in which people may fail.
According to
the investigations on cars, buses, and trucks provide less accident possibility.
For example
, a bus which is supported by artificial intelligence can detect possible threats on the road and show a more rapid reaction than humans.
, the newly conceived cars can prevent traffic congestion by estimating situations which may lead to traffic jams.
, technological investments generally raise the unemployment rate. That’s why, the effects of
kind of investment on
are inevitable. Because, the more
number increase, the more
get unemployed.
rate could be ignored by providing employment by governments.
For instance
, governments can lead the
to other options. Thereby, people don’t suffer from new developments and, keep up with the regulations.
To sum up
can react faster than
consequences more safer trips. But the unemployment rate is really negligible
according to
the advantages.
, the advantages of
outweigh the disadvantages because there are many other positive effects of artificial intelligence on
, what I mentioned above is enough to realise it.
Submitted by abdullahsakirsimsek on

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Task Achievement
Your essay effectively addresses the topic and gives a balanced view. However, the examples and supporting details could be more comprehensive and specific to strengthen your argument. For instance, adding data or specific studies about the safety benefits of driverless vehicles would make your case more persuasive.
Coherence and Cohesion
Your essay has a clear introduction and conclusion that encapsulate your argument well. However, the main points could be more coherently organized. Make sure each paragraph transitions smoothly into the next, and clearly ties back to your main thesis. Also, ensure that each paragraph has a single, clear focus.
Coherence and Cohesion
Although you have included relevant points, some sentences are awkwardly phrased and contain minor grammatical errors. Better sentence structure and varied vocabulary use can improve readability and coherence. For example, instead of 'the more driverless vehicles number increase,' you could say 'as the number of driverless vehicles increases.'
Task Achievement
Clarify and expand upon the implications of increased unemployment of drivers due to driverless vehicles. Offering a nuanced view on potential solutions, like re-skilling programs or government interventions, can add depth to your argument.
Task Achievement
Your essay addresses the key points of the prompt and maintains a clear focus throughout. This ensures reader understanding and engagement.
Coherence and Cohesion
The conclusion effectively summarizes your perspective and reinforces the argument made in the body of your essay.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • driverless vehicles
  • advantages
  • disadvantages
  • increased safety
  • reduced traffic congestion
  • improved efficiency
  • accessibility
  • disabled
  • elderly
  • job displacement
  • privacy concerns
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